JLL APAC Interview

Employee ID #*

This should be automatically populated from the single-sign-on of the employee in case the employee is filling it.

What is your primary reason for leaving?*
What is your top 1 reason for leaving JLL?
What is your top 2 reason for leaving JLL?
What is your top 3 reason for leaving JLL?
Less than 12 months leavers: Was your position as it was described to you throughout the recruitment process? Did it match your expectations?*

Please note: we will pass this information onto our recruitment team to assist in hiring your replacement.

Where will you be working next?

Even though you are leaving JLL for a new opportunity, we would like to keep in contact with you. We have created a Alumni program to be able to contact you in the future if we are looking for skills that match your profile. To help us know what you are interested, if you are going to a new employer can you tell us your new job title.

By joining the program, we will share your new details with our recruitment team. You might be contacted in the future for new opportunities with JLL

New Job Title
New company name

Up to Country:RFL & New Employer

Before we get started with the exit interview, I want to confirm to you the purpose of why we conduct exit interviews. It's for HR and subsequently the business to get an idea about what is going well in the business, what's is ok, what is going not so well and how we can improve.

Your responses are grouped with other leaver responses in your business line and reported back to your business line leader in a consolidated report. Your name is not attached to your responses in this report.

If you report an ethical issue or mention something within the exit interview which I feel needs to be investigated, then the matter would be handled with discretion and in accordance with JLL policies.

How long have you been thinking about leaving?

What attracted you to your new employer?

What are we missing?

Up to Country: Rating scale and open ended questions

Next part of the interview is divided into 5 sections;
  1. Your role
  2. Your Manager
  3. Your department/team
  4. Senior Leaders
  5. The firm
Each of the sections will have a 4 point scale:
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
  • Unsure or N/A
  • What attracted you to your new employer?

    What are we missing?

    You will need to confirm your view on each statement using this scale:

    1. Your role:
      Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Unsure or N/A
    You had opportunities to apply your talent and expertise
    You were satisfied with your opportunities for professional growth
    Workload, hours & responsibilities were reasonable
    Your role was challenging but manageable
    Your IPMP goals were fair
    Your remuneration was fair in relation to your performance and responsibilities
    Your role allowed work-life balance
    You had the information needed to do your job well
    What do you think can be improved about your role?
    2. Your manager:
      Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Unsure or N/A
    Had a good understanding of your job responsibilities
    Clearly explained what was expected of you
    Led the team effectively
    Was open to suggestions and would act upon them
    Gave fair and accurate feedback
    Supported a flexible work environment
    Recognised and appreciated your contributions
    Activitely supported your careers goals (open discussion about pregression)
    Do you have any further comments about your manager?
    3. Your team:
      Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Unsure or N/A
    Your team had good morale
    Your team was adequately resourced
    Your team worked efficiently in achieving deliverablies
    Your team members took the initiative to help others when required
    Your team supported you during times of high pressure and workload
    Your team adapted quickly to difficult situations
    Your team processes were efficient
    Your team systems were effective
    Your work environment was safe and comfortable
    You would recommend a friend to work in your team
    What do you think can be improved about your team?
    4. Senior Leaders:
      Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Unsure or N/A
    I had interaction with my senior leaders
    Were visible and approachable
    Welcomed suggestions and encouraged feedback
    Provided information and were responsive
    Provided recognition for achievements
    Encouraged cooperation & inclusion
    Do you have any further comments for senior leaders?
    5. The Firm:
      Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Unsure or N/A
    Gave fair and equal treatment to all employees
    Maintained consistent policies and practices
    Provided development opportunities
    Morale and culture is positive at JLL
    Overall you have enjoyed your time at JLL
    You would like to return to JLL again in your career
    Could we have done anything to encourage you to stay?
    What are the top three things you have enjoyed about JLL?

    HRBP to select closest answer or use other if not listed.

    What are the three things you would like to see improved at JLL?

    HRBP to select closest answer or use other if not listed.

    Any other comments, suggested improvements, or anything you would like to mention that we haven’t covered?

    Reminder to review the helpful information in the exit interview invite. (i.e. remove email account, update address, final pay etc).

    Thank you for your time today and your time spent with the firm.

    End of exit interview

    For all APAC: HR view only

    These questions are NOT to be asked to the exiting employee. Please code according to your judgement.

    Is the employee leaving disgruntled?

    Is the employee leaving disgruntled?
    Please select the Reason for Leaving.

    Same as PSHR RFL

    Is this loss regrettable?
    If yes, why regrettable?

    HRBP notes:

    If action is required from exit interview discussion, please confirm proposed next steps, dates, names etc. Outcome will be reviewed once quarterly dashboard is completed.